THE REVIVAL from morehartfilms on Vimeo.
our favorite renegade cycling bunch set up a video page to share all videos fixie/track related.. check them out.... lots of great ones on there..
THE REVIVAL from morehartfilms on Vimeo.
agent Anonymous at 4/30/2009 11:31:00 AM 0 comments
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Labels: 213, cycling, fixies, mash sf, outdoor, sports, track, youtube
agent Anonymous at 4/29/2009 09:55:00 AM 0 comments
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Labels: 213, dance, hypebeast, jerkin, music, san francisco, teens
well many of you know about im on a boat feat. tpain and lonely island .....
but since most of us here on the collective dont own a boat.. .we really cant relate... but we sure as heck can relate to riding a bike!!!!
gotta love white people doing they thang!!!! here is another classic white rapper!!!
this one is for you mike..
agent Anonymous at 4/23/2009 09:45:00 AM 2 comments
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Labels: 213, bikes, fixies, funny, music, outdoor, sports, velodrome
agent Adrian at 4/23/2009 02:27:00 AM 0 comments
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Labels: 858, Engineering, FREEDOM, unemployment, work
agent Anonymous at 4/14/2009 09:01:00 AM 0 comments
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Labels: 213, funny, lindsay lohan, pop, sexy, viral video
(LEICA M8 WHITE EDITION msrp: $8 or 9k)
well once again chatting it up with a good friend.. i got drawn in...
wanting more shit i just dont need but really really want.... actually i guess i could use it especially since i use a digital camera every day... however these are less or worker cameras.. and more of bling bling type cameras... and semi-unnecessary what do these cameras all have in common??? well they are all digital cameras yea.... that is pretty obvious....other than that....well basically they are all cameras that i just want... why?? welll because they have the awesome ness.. they have the style... they have the name... they have the tech (ok maybe not the best tech but damn good enough)
*edit and to all the leica haters ... please leave the comments of leicas being over priced lumix's/panaonics (btw i added a lumix i also badly want)
ok so back to the cameras...well currently here are two very limited LEICA M8 DIGITALS... im not gonna bore you with specs..because there is tons of info on the LEICA M8... but just appreciate the awesomeness of these cameras.... the top is the special WHITE edt... and the bottom is the LEICA M8 SAFARI edition
i am currently a user of a canon rebel xsi ...AND NO... THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.... but its not a LEICA
nope... works great.. lots of lenses... great price.. yadda yadda yadda.....
well then... whats my problem??? well knowing that these other cameras exist.... and me not having any extra money to have them in my grubby little hands!!!!
now in addition to the leica m8.. i also lust for these other cameras listed below...
why ??? well the ever so popular mini do it all compact semi slr digital camera.... when i was last in japan the RICOH GR digital was everywhere!
and for very good reason... its sleek its sexy... it fits in you pocket.. and its expandable... you can get some great attachements and have some digital SLR power in a mini micro form....
very famous camera seen with the likes of DESIGN GURU HIROSHI FUJIWARA
why??? ok well micro four thirds thats why... a new standard .. trying to unite cameras digital slrs and new compact cameras.... it seems like a good idea and hopefully it gets implemented... it currently is also compatible with other four thirds system lenses....
micro four thirds is just the newest system to try and unify this crazy camera world in finding a common standard... and i think its a great step in terms of innovation.. however photography is one of those hobbies with some serious retro grouches!!! who hate progress and think.. that if it aint broke.... then dont fix it!!!
the lumix dmc-g1 comes in great colors... and is technically the smallest full functioning slr on the market especially since this camera is without a mirror box... its truly a digital camera... which allows the body to be slightly smaller than a regular digital slr.... but its not really that much smaller...
why??? because micro four thirds... and the way it was meant to be... this camera is the size of a normal pocket point and shoot..
but promising the features of changeable lenses and accessories and etc.. making your once small digital point and shooter a great contender for some serious photography power!!!
this is the ultimate baby.. and i cant wait.. these pictures are quite old so we should be seeing something soon from these guys... but lets just wait and see... if this stuff comes out.. im for sure switching over to micro four thirds... its pretty much what i wanted out of the RICOH GR 2 DIGITAL... but with more support and expandability....
agent Anonymous at 4/13/2009 09:56:00 AM 4 comments
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Labels: 213, art, digital cameras, gadgets, leica, lumix, ricoh, technology
Claremont 56 is an independent label dedicated to releasing beautiful music that has been lovingly crafted and genuinely felt. The music is released in limited edition format and is collected around the world. Oki-Ni is the premiere fashion boutique from London Uk... what happens when you mix the two?
you get some good music! check it out here... Claremont 56 has a really interesting blog going which can be seen here
the music mixes are also very nice to listen to while im working on the computer, having in the background, and just enjoying some great relaxing time.. those mixes are free to download on their blog...
i personally havnt had the chance to puchase any of their records, esp after having a talk with agent mike in regards to starting up a record collection....
but i just figure im just way to behind... and just even thinking about the money investment its gonna take to start a audiophile record set up and collection is just making me that more hesitant....
but if i had the time and scratch .... you best believe id have some claremont 56 in my collection! but if you are like me and downloading the mixes is all you have time for.. then do so!!! toss on a pair of great headphones!!! and ur ears will thank you!!!
happy listenings!
agent Anonymous at 4/09/2009 09:36:00 AM 0 comments
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left-to-right: taz arnold of sa-ra, fonzworth bentley, kanye, don c of sa-ra, and chris julian of fruition/undftd lv
In last night's episode of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker didn't have to get very creative to be funny. Kanye and his people are already caricatures of themselves in real life so they just drew them exactly as they showed up to fashion week in Paris this year.
Peep the original photo that made its rounds on the intarwebz a few months ago, after the jump...
agent mike at 4/09/2009 08:33:00 AM 7 comments
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Labels: 323, fashion, kanye west, ridiculous, south park
agent dee at 4/08/2009 01:02:00 PM 1 comments
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Labels: 707, Entertainment, music, rock the bells, supernatural freestyle
agent Adrian at 4/05/2009 06:30:00 PM 0 comments
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ok... so i guess last night i wasnt the only one confused when the clock struck 12am.... every year i get april fooled like a chump... and last year it was to 2 very good friends who tricked me into thinking one of my homegirls was preggoz... (damn you els and tes!)
and this year??? well ADULT SWIM... lets just say you REALLY caught me off guard....
so..... as i do every night before i sleep.. i switch the channel over to adult swim for some great late night entertainment.... however this time i was on my computer and typing away as the clock turned midnight and then something happened to my precious late night cartoons!
and apparently i wasnt the only one confused as hell!
SO WHAT HAPPENEND? well at about 12 or so im not quite sure.. adult swim changed their normal programming to showing some cheezy ass cheap terrible bad acting cult classic soft core porno.. entitled: "THE ROOM" and let me tell you i had no idea what the heck was going on! i never even heard of this movie before.. and its bad... real bad!!!
i mean you guys did not know what you were missing.. i was confused so bad that i was flipping between the two adult swim channels (east coast and west coast) thinking that my cable company messed up and showed some time... however after about 10 mins of watching this film i knew it was a joke from adult swim....
there was terrible dub overs during the sex scenes...
horrible placements of censorship when the sex scenes were happening...
and just the terrible acting all along had me laughing for a good 5 to 10 minutes.... and honestly i was pissed that someone already got me... on april fools... at 12am on the dot.... damn you ADULT SWIM!!!!!
and kudos... because i was seriously pissed i didnt get to see family guy, or morel orel, or robot chicken...
now off to the rest of my 2009 april fools....
agent Anonymous at 4/01/2009 11:34:00 AM 1 comments
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Labels: 213, adult swim, april fools, cartoons, funny, pop
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