This isn't anything new actualy.. its been floating around the intrawebz for a while now... and i was reading on NPR's site and i found this neat article on it.... CLICK HERE.... The article reminded me of "Alternative Bike" cultures and todays youth so i figured why not and blog about it here to the ¢ollective.... i love bikes obviously.. and SCRAPER BIKES are just as bad could pay homage to the scraper bike which originate from the mean streets of OAKLAND where hyphy, going stupid, dumb, and thizzing is a way of life.

click here for more info on MADE IN QUEENS!
If its one thing that links the two coasts, its street culture and this bike movement we are seeing from all around the world. from your hipster fixed riders, to your scrapers in oakland, to booming systems in new york... it is obvious that biking and bike culture and its influence on todays youth is a force to be reckoned with, people have really taken something that is really considered timeless and historic and incorporated it, influenced it, and evolved it into their very own lives and culture which is relevant to their everyday life.
now im not in the middle of building anything like a scraper or a stereo bike.. but i do applaud the efforts these kids are making in trying to do something positive and fun with their time and friends, rather than to be out there running the streets and causing ruckus, drugs, etc.....
now i feel like buiding a new bike....
oh wait i am ;)
more on that later!
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