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"WHY AMERICA IS F*¢KED" - The Draplin Project

America Is F*cked.......(Graphically at least) from Jess Gibson on Vimeo.

Aaron Draplin is my new hero! for all graphic artists, designers, pretenders, wannabees and everything else in between... this is for you... With art and design and time and technology constantly evolving... hell...especially at such an alarming rate... its very easy to forget about tradition, classics, and history and its importance/influence in present day design and art and even leading into the future.

As a fan or timeless design, i applaud Draplin in this little trailer he calls, "Why America is Fucked", and he addresses the current "tragic" state of art and design... pretty much everyone including their momma and any kid armed with a laptop and photoshop ... heck even ms paint... is now a webdesigner... clothing designer... artist..... etc.....

well just check out the video.. get a laugh here and there and see the severity of the situation...i feel that Draplin's video does provide us with an interesting discussion to a bigger story... is our world is doomed not only in just graphical art??. as people and technology goes forward and moves on and expand into the future... it seems that to make room for progress we simply rip anything down that has any historical or cultural content and forget about our past....

"looooooll at blippo bold.... remind me to use that font in something soon!!!! LULLZZZ"

for more information check out their site by clicking the pic below