Dear John Grado.
As a kind note from a now sick and helpless audiophile... please ... please stop making things that just make me want to send every little dime i have to you.. with the announcement of your greatst work yet... the GRADO LABS PS1000 series headphones have caused me nothing but anxiety, pain, and suffering...for i cant sleep eat or think without knowing that i am existing on this planet without these headphones playing back my favorite music tracks.... please accept this open letter and realize that i am just a humble and poor ol fool already smitten by the fact that (a) these are the best of the best you make (b) limited edition [and yes a true hypebeast will love anything with limited edition on it and (c) well just simply a great GRADO headphone...
oh and btw.. these babies will set you back just $1695
more after the jump!
ok lets back things up here... first off...i would go as far as saying that i am now a true "self-proclaimed" hobbyist audiophile...
(as wiki would define as: An audiophile, from Latin audio[1] "I hear" and Greek philos[2] "loving," is an audio reproduction enthusiast, who typically listens to music on high-end audio electronics.)
the thing is ... yes i do have a thing for true hi fidelity.. however... in particular headphones... and even more specific ... a little factory inside brooklyn.. which makes (in my opinion and many others out there) the world's best CANS!!!! and when i say cans i mean audiophile lingo ... not drunk fraternity college boy party time cans.... however those kinda cans are also good :)
Grado has been manufacturing audiophile quality headphones for many decades... with a few releases of limited edition and special edition headphones released to the public.. some models attaining legendary status among the hi-fi crowd, and with the release of these new headphones im sure they will easily become just as popular
Review from - Zanth from Head-fi
Never one to stop innovating, Grado has set out to create a new flagship and it is these new headphones, the PS1000's, as I hear it, are the very best headphone Grado Labs has ever produced...................
The PS1000's are finally, (and for those that upgrade often or think the grass is always greener, they know what I mean by finally), finally, the first set of headphones that would motivate me to sell all the rest, because these PS1000s do it all and do it as flawlessly as I've yet experienced. They give me everything that I've been searching for in headphones and do it in such a way that I can honestly say I'm not hoping for anything more. If more can ever be given, GREAT! But I've stopped looking. I've stopped thinking that a single phone can't do it all. Hyperbole be damned, this phone had me at hello.
Please visit for the full review.
also they brought back the awesome wooden boxes !!! i must cop for my grado modded headphones.

Because, you know, you need good headphones to TRULY appreciate Soldier boy...
P.S. These headphones (just the design) do things to me I would rather not admit to...
good timing, i was just thinking about these bad boys today.
i only dream how much better souljah boy could sound on a dream system....
marco polo anyone?
yeah, you might be able to hear him hitting puberty (in reality his voice is probably deeper than mine =/)
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