For a while ive been wanting a motorcycle. and why not? i've been seriously cycling for quite a while now and i drive a huge suv, it hasnt been the best on gas, and getting around LA just seems so much easier on bike, however LA is so spread out that a motorcycle would just make more sense to have no? well being a design nut, and hearing that Mr. Design himself, Philippe Starck has teamed up with French Motorcycle brand Voxan to create this insane looking super naked bike based on vintage 'cafe racers'.
So how Starck do it? He pretty much took the VOXAN GTV 1200 super touring bike motor, and stuck it on something that looks like a cross between a chair, a vacuum cleaner, a restaurant in LA, and a robot ( all of which he already designs btw). Starck seemed to integrate his minimalist design approach into re-creating the motorcycle and vintage cafe racers into this. Supposedly due for sometime in 08, it looks like this thing will be available for sale only in EUROPE, however rumors are out there that this bike may be available to the US via internet sales on VOXAN or STARCK's website.
I think its a refreshing way to look at motorcycles nonetheless . Even though i'm still not 100% sold on the design aspect of the bike (and im sure this can be debated up and down the river), i like to think that i would still be interested in owning one. And nakeds are not my thing (girls yes. bikes no), im more of the SUPERSPORT/HYPERSPORT motorcycle kinda guy. non asian of course, i like my ducatis, mv agustas, triumphs expensive and not 'played'.
So Mr. Starck, bravo... you done it again. you made something so simple expensive as hell and an object of my desire. damn you know what the bike isnt looking that bad anymore, i can apreciate the sharp angles on the side profile, mix of metal and leather, the simplicity of a naked... etc... whats next? actually dont answer that because im broke right now, and im still wanting a new motorcycle. and your VOXAN XV has easily become somewhere in my top 5.. no wait 10 bikes i want...
well here you go guys, check it out, enjoy and see what makes me want to make this leap from cycling to motorcycling as soon as my paper game is ready.

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