LIVE, LAUGH, AND LEARN... welcome to the co.

Is Global Warming Really THAT Important?

(Photo courtesy of NOVA's newest documentary Extreme Ice,
definitely check it out for the photography if nothing else)

To be honest, I never thought I would utter the words in the title...EVER. I am a self-proclaimed environmentalist and take climate issues (notice how I stay away from "climate change") very seriously. The title has to do with the front page article in the New York Times Magazine, The Global-Warming Heretic.

The article is about the background and global views of Scientist Freeman Dyson, one of the most liberal (he has an Obama sticker on his car), intelligent, and outspoken scientists AGAINST the threat of global warming being the biggest issue facing society today believing that "all the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated." He believes that much of what is conveyed in media like The Inconvenient Truth is propaganda that is blinding us from looking at the facts and information.

I won't get too deep into his beliefs (I do not know him personally and they are now 2 times removed as I am basing them off the article) but Dyson believes that Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere could actually be beneficial for the earth by serving as a nutritional source for certain plants and that any excess carbon could be dealt with using carbon hungry trees. He is concerned with the "enormous gaps in our knowledge." Much of our data (especially that used by Gore) relies heavily on computer generated models and calculations rather than known facts. His biggest problems with these models seem to be that they are over simplified, they do not take into account the biology and chemistry of the atmosphere as a whole. As an engineer who was worked with computer models, I know one of the downfalls is we (as people) tend to use computer models as fact when they are doing what we think they should be doing, and fiction when they are doing something we didnt expect (especially in the face of many unknowns).

The article in the times was well written and pretty long, it spanned the history of Dyson, where he had worked, and what experiences helped him draw his knowledge. But with all those words on the page, VERY few of them focused on what he thought was MORE important. They did grace over his views on coal, both as a horrendous polluter and a catalyst for movement from poverty to the middle class in developing countries like China and India. They also quoted him as saying that we would be "better to attack the real problems like extinction and over fishing." But those 3 things, as well as his views on nuclear weapons were about the extent of the discussion (and the brevity of the discussion was honestly lost in the word count).

I guess what I take issue with the most in the Times article is it treats the issue like a black and white situation, which is how the issue is generally treated. Much of this is probably due to the fact that this scientific issue has become a political one, and politics in America, in recent history, has moved from a "democracy" of open discussion, understanding, and working together, to one of being right or wrong, no in-between. Much time was spent on why Dyson didn't believe the facts and how he came to become a scientist, but little was spent on what issues he DID feel was important. By not spending a decent amount of time on Dyson's view of what IS important, it prevents us from opening up a dialogue that might lead to an understanding on what should be our priorities and how to move forward to fight global warming.

I myself believe global warming is happening and believe it is an issue that my generation needs to take very seriously. I don't often get into discussions about the facts because the truth is, I do not know them like the back of my hand and I will admit that a lot of my views are based on what I feel and the information I have received from sources I trust (Dyson would say this is one of the problems). I will however talk about the causes because whether or not you believe in it, the causes are all problems for everyone, no matter who you are. We can't drive SUVs for the rest of lives, hell, we can't drive hybrids for the rest of lives, because oil is FINITE. We need to move to alternative fuels so we can save oil for the things that can only be done with oil (until we come up with a better technology of course). Not only is oil a global warming issue, but it is a political one as well and sooner we rid our selves of our dependency on oil, we rid ourselves of out dependency on other countries.

We cannot continue to consume at the levels that we are consuming. We need to stop buying pallets of water at the store on a weekly basis (the only thing better than recycling or reusing is not consuming) and eating out as often. We have miles of open spaces across the globe, but there is no reason to fill them with trash. Not to mention many of the products we consume are also made from FINITE materials such as oil.

There is no one solution to any global issue we face, whether it be global warming or poverty. To take on something like global warming we need multiple approaches including education, regulation, a change of lifestyle, technological advancements, solid and reliable research, affordable renewable energy, an ability to prioritize, and more. It's not going to be easy, and it's not going to be quick. But until we can stop treating this like a right and wrong issue (and excluding the opposite side from the discussions at meetings and conferences) and opening up a dialogue among people with different, educated, opinions, issues such as climate change and its causes are never going to be solved properly.


SHAMPWN3D? Vince of Sham WOW caught punchin hookers?

Damnit! say it aint so Vince !!! say it aint soo!!!!! ok... so according to the smoking gun.... my seriously favorite tv infomercial spokes man Vince of Sham Wow, was caught punchin hookers in the face... after this chick straight tried to kiss him and bit onto his tounge and wouldnt let go!!!

i mean damn Vince really? you had to punch her in the face?

well according to the cops they said that they immediately can tell that they were both quite intoxicated and then found about $900ish in the hookers purse.

now it looks like ill have to keeep a close watch on BILLY MAYS ... especially with the release of his gangsta remix .... BILLY MAYS BREAKIN YA BACK BITCH!

"ok you seriously didnt think id post about vince and not post his commercial as well ????


Mos Def: DOOM > Lil Wayne… duh.

Mos: “I’d bet a million dollars on DOOM against Lil Wayne.”

The above clip catches Mos candidly just chillin’ and reciting favorite rap lyrics, a familiar scene for any hip hop head. I guess Mos is a DOOM fanboy just like the rest of us.

Let’s hope the flow-like-interstellar-wind never goes autotune. Or, starts thinking he can play the guitar. Fail.

(Yes, Mos is obviously high and rolling a J. Doesn't mean he isn't speaking the truth.)


Big Mac! Fillet O Fish! Quarter Pounder! Apple Pie....

This is what happens when you are a superstar and act a fool..... i guess people in paris dont know who pharrell is?

git em skateboard p!


Another One Bites The Dust! Active Ride Shop Bankrupt

Tough times... Bad economy... unpredictable stock markets.... crazy real estate markets.... etc.... just another one bites the dust! Active Ride Shop has filed for a CH 11 bankruptcy. Which actually means its not all that bad for them... just some good ol protection and reorganization of the company...

About Active:

Established in 1989, Active Ride Shop maintains its position among the top retailers and mail order businesses in the action sports industry. Awarded Surf Industry (SIMA) Men’s Retailer of the Year (2008), #1 Specialty Retailer by the Future Trade, #36 on DNR’s “top 50 most influential menswear retailers.” Active has locations throughout Southern California and delivers catalogs to action sports enthusiasts nationwide. Active Ride Shop sponsors the most elite skateboarders and snowboarders in the world, and is proud of its offering of the finest brands an hottest trends in the industry. For more information about Active Ride Shop, visit

basically its SO CAL'S premier HYPEBEAST super store!

read on!

Active has closed eight stores during the past few weeks, bringing its current store count to 21. The stores that have closed are in San Diego (downtown, Las Americas and Chula Vista), Mission Viejo, Lake Elsinore, Westwood, Irvine (Alton Parkway), and Simi Valley. Three more stores are on "the bubble" and will stay open if the company is able to renegotiate leases with landlords, Active co-owner Shane Wallace told me in an interview.

ACTIVE CEO Shane said many of the stores that closed did not have time to mature before the economic crisis hit and were "sucking cash from the company." He also said Active opened some new stores too near to older stores and that cluster strategy did not work.

Other new stores, such as Santa Monica, are doing well. "We found we do great as a destination, not as a cluster," he said.

Shane said that he hopes the bankruptcy filing, while painful, will allow the company, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, to begin the healing process and return to being a strong company with 21 stores instead of 29.

now for months i knew this was going to happen... but damn i didnt think that it was ACTUALLY gonna happen!!! ... 1st sign that i knew it was a wrap for ACTIVE was talking with a Burton rep asking why Burton wasnt being carried for the 08/09 season... just a quick simple answer...

ACTIVE doesnt pay their bills!

pretty much they built faster than they can earn... large pretty stores.... fully stocked... awesome locations.... but just not enough income to offset all those huge bills!!!

word on the street is that ACTIVE owes BURTON like over 2 million alone in unpaid bills.... so what they do? come in.. kick down the door... and take back their shit...Interestingly, only BURTON is on the list of secured creditors...Secured creditors get payment priority in a bankruptcy.

werd up BURTON.. handle biz.... i hope other clothing lines aren't seriously affected by the fall of ACTIVE... here is a list of who owes what

Annual Revenues
3/31/07: $58.9 million
3/31/08: $61.8 million
3/31/09: $59.9 million (projected)

Annual net income (loss)
3/31/07: $368,356
3/31/08: ($2 million)
3/31/09: ($7.7 million) projected


M83 x L.A. Philharmonic:
Saturdays = Underwhelming

French outfit M83’s Saturdays=Youth was easily one of the best albums of 2008, if not the best outright. The sweeping synths, layers of distortion, and dramatic vocals combine for an epic sound reminiscent of 80s Shoegaze a la Cocteau Twins. Basically, Saturdays=Youth is a full album of songs fit for final scenes of John Hughes films. When I heard that M83 was collaborating with the L.A. Phil for a show at the Disney Concert Hall, there was no decision to be made about whether or not to go. It was a no-brainer...

Having seen amazing L.A. Phil collaborations with modern artists before (including Air in ’04 [!!!]) and considering how well M83 songs lend themselves to orchestral accompaniment (strings ftw), my expectations were through the roof.

Not unlike post-rock contemporaries Sigur Ros and Explosions in the Sky, the best part about M83’s music is the slow build-up to an exhilarating crescendo. It feels wrong to criticize what most would probably agree was beautiful music (and it was beautiful), but the show was a disappointment. Don’t get me wrong… there were certainly some high points, but they were fleeting. Maybe they underutilized the virtuosity of the L.A. Phil. Maybe they didn’t play enough of the latest album (srsly, they didn’t even play "Kim & Jessie". WTF, right?). Or maybe I just expected too much. Whatever it was, something was missing that night.

That said, the L.A. Phil has def stepped their game up as of late with their shiny, new musical director, 28-year-old wunderkind Gustavo Dudamel. Also, to admire the design of the Disney Concert Hall was worth the price of admission alone. It’s as breathtaking on the inside as it is on the outside. Plus the acoustics in there are out of this world. If you live in L.A., DON’T SLEEP.

Anyway, here’s a Bloc Party remix that they played, 2 tracks off Saturdays=Youth that they SHOULD have played, and my favorite Cocteau Twins song for good measure.

Bloc Party – The Pioneers (M83 Remix)
M83 – We Own The Sky
M83 – Highway of Endless Dreams
Cocteau Twins – Lorelei

(edit: late pass on this. had a busy past couple weeks so kept forgetting to post this up. my bad.)


Bloomingdale's Men's Spring 2009

The Bloomingdale's Men's Spring Catalog for 2009 came in my mail box in the past couple weeks and between the science nerd/engineer that I am, and the well-dressed fashionable person I wish I was, I enjoyed thumbing through this catalog a lot.

The locations for the photos included the Hoover Dam and the El Dorado Valley dry lake in Nevada. The locations provided a nice juxtaposition of the sleek stylings by the likes of Hugo Boss, Velntino and John Varvatos, and the old industrial technology of a hydroelectric plant built in the 1930s (as well as a dry river basin).

When the New York Times Fashion Magazine came out with the spring fashion recently and didn't do too much for me. Between the sport coats over shorts (never been a big fan) and the poofy dress-like shorts, I was not too excited by most of the styles or the possibility that some of them could make it to mainstream fashion. I do, however, respect the fashion presented in the magazine, I understand that while Bloomindale's is trying to make money, the NYT fashion magazine is trying to push the boundaries of fashion. Truth be told, many of these ideas have or will come to fruition in mainstream fashion (see sport coats over shorts).

Some highlights, product-wise, for me (a guy in jeans, t-shirt, and a hole-y pair of socks) have to be the Burberry brown wool suit, the selection of socks (step your small details game up), Theory grey suit, John Varvatos plaid convertible jacket, Aquascutum LTD aquamatic packable raincoat, and the Sutor Mantellassi Off-white/orange weekender bag.

Do I plan on dropping the money to buy this stuff full price as it comes out? No way, but it sure is nice to look at and appreciate none the less.


REMEMBER THIS!? Smiles & Southstar VS JaRule and Ashanti

for some reason i cant stop playing these two songs.... i dont know if i hate both equally or it bugs me that both used the exact same sample and were released at about the same time....

if anyone knows where smilez and southstar are.. please have them holler at me.. haha..... i miss yall two...

ok not really...


Tweeters: Newsies Of The New Century

I think people are too quick to judge Twitter. For most tweeters (people who use twitter), yes, it is nothing more than Facebook status messages. For news organizations, blogs, and websites, it is the Newsboy of the new century. In Newsies they had the time it took for someone to pass by them to sell a paper, in twitter, they have 140 characters. It was said by Jack, in the movie, "headlines don't sell papes, Newsies sell papes!" This holds true for blogs and news feeds on twitter as well. A publication's ability to generate traffic via twitter is based on their ability to generate interest in 140 characters or less.

People are so quick to jump on the next hottest thing in hopes of being on top of what's hot, and for a lot of people that's Twitter. But though there are people quick to jump on every new bandwagon, there's even more people just as quick to jump on the hater hearse (Officially coined CollectiveCo 2009, I googled it). I think that it is a little premature. While I agree with some points against the usefulness of a message conveyed in 140 characters and the lack of manners some seem to demonstrate in public (it's quite a bit like texting), they might want to ponder the importance of twitter as a tool to spread ideas. Yes, it may have been a flop as a tool to generate questions for Jimmy Fallon to interview Cameron Diaz, but it's a great tool to find out quick news headlines from the BBC, get music selections by the likes of Q.Tip and ?uestlove, or get pics from a friend.

Now don't get me wrong, do I want to shoot myself from boredom when someone tweets "eating"? Maybe, but hell, I think I am guilty of the same things and much of this is due to the fact that twitter isn't an established medium. It's not a chat program, it's not a social networking site, it's not a blog, it's not Posterous (I just learned about this one today from Rainn Wilson, it's perfect for you Crackberry and iPhone addicts). The thing about twitter is that it is so vague. The very basis and reason for many people's gripes (the brevity of 140 characters) is exactly what allows it to stay versatile. Twitter will be tough to define or confine into a category such as blog or social networking site. People complain about Twitter but what they should be complaining about is the people they follow. Because twitter is different things to different people, find people that use it how you use or find useful and follow them, if you can't find them, try to redefine the way twitter is used (or better yet, don't even mess with it).

As I mentioned in my post about my plunge into twitter, ?uestlove had coined twitter as the new blog, and in a way he's right. For many people who DO blog, it's the medium for things that are not blog worthy, the one sentence epiphany that's not worth flushing out into a post, the cultural observation while sitting on a bus, the quick message to a friend, or the outreach for another person's opinion (usually for a quick response). Due to the fact that the internet is almost everywhere now (including our phones), Twitter enters into unknown territory as a medium (I won't even say what type because I am unsure). Twitter is somehow information and communication all at the same time, all while not being too time consuming for our increasingly busier lives.


Art Galleries Are So 3 Years Ago

A good friend of mine passed this along to me today and it reminded me a lot of something I remember from a while back:

While much of youtube's bandwidth is used on funny TV clips, clips from people with too much time on their hands, and random funny stuff, every once in a while you will find some really good original content on there. While, youtube is usually thought of as a giant waste of time, it also serves as an outlet for people without the connects, know-how, or, in some cases, the want to get their art or personal projects out for people to see them. While some will become internet phenomenons, others will just be shared with friends and enjoyed by the random passer by.

So maybe youtube isn't such a waste of time after all, then again...maybe it is..(ahhhhh white people...).


The Legendary Roots Crew... oh yeah, and Jimmy Fallon Too

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Like many Roots fans, I was shocked and a little disappointed when it was confirmed that The Roots were officially Jimmy Fallon's house band for the new "Late Night Show." I was shocked for two reasons: 1) word on the street was that The Roots were retiring (I honestly think I'd cry if this happened) and 2) if the thought that The Roots would ever transition to a late night show house band had ever crossed my mind, never in a million years would I have thought it would be for Jimmy Fallon. I don't know who would be a more appropriate match, but it's certainly not Jimmy.

If it weren't for The Roots, I probably wouldn't give Fallon's show a chance. I mean, alright, the guy's not terrible; he's cracked a few good jokes here and there on SNL (no examples currently come to mind...) but I wouldn't give him his very own show. However, the thought that I could actually watch The Roots perform five nights a week was kind of appealing. I've seen them live a handful of times and there's a definite reason why they are called "The Legendary Roots Crew." For this reason alone, I hulu'd Late Night with Jimmy Fallon...

So far, I've only seen one full episode (the very first one) along with snippets from the second and third. Dude has an amazing line up of guests for this week (Justin Timberlake, Tina Fey, Santigold & Spank Rock, Jon Bon Jovi, Serena Williams) which seemed kind of promising. His very first opening monologue was decent. He had one joke that I thought was exceptional. But as I got further into the episode, it become a little painful to watch. At times Fallon and his skits were so awkward I couldn't look... I even started to feel kinda bad for the guy. You could tell he was real nervous (I think he might have even said that 3 or 4 times) and his guests easily stole his spotlight (i.e. Justin Timberlake). At least his suit looked good.

I have yet to be convinced that this whole thing was a good idea. Yes, it's pretty damn cool to see the Roots do their thang Monday through Friday, but I wonder if Fallon's show will become something great (dare I say, legendary) or if he'll just end up buckling from the pressure. I mean, srsly, I've read way more blogs and boards discussing the future of the Roots after this move, not Jimmy, and I'm pretty sure his show wouldn't have been so hyped up if he hadn't snagged ?uesto et al. Watching the show, you kind of feel like you're watching "Late Night with the Roots." But then again, maybe I feel that way because I'm obviously biased. It's just difficult to think that the Roots will be taking a backseat (not to mention doing cheesy late night show bits)-- that this isn't solely their stage or their show... it's Jimmy Fallon's. I guess we'll just have to see what'll happen. Here's hoping that Jimmy can hold his own.


happy birthday j¢!

HAPPY BORNDAY agent j¢! The ¢ollective <3's you... sometimes.

Here's to a night of drunken birthday debauchery and, in your case, a little bit of nakedness...


A Bright Idée

So if you follow this blog you will know I discovered twitter a little while back (you know, like how Columbus discovered America). On it, I follow a couple artists and media people I admire and/or deeply respect, one of those being Jay Smooth. His tweets are all over the place at times but he has dropped some gems, one of my favorites being the Idée Lab.

Idée is a company that develops image ID software and visual search software. In a basic sense, it is the google of images. You upload an image and it will locate that image all over the internet and tell you where it is. This can be used recreationally by different users or it can be used by companies to find where their images are being used around the web as well as in print publications.

So while Idée has these advanced programs for image recognition, they have a couple of interesting projects in their lab.

Multicolr allows you to choose up to 10 colors and they will search all of flickr for photos containing the chosen colors (this is how I came to the image above)

Visual Search Lab allows you to type in a variety of tags and it will search Alamy for all photos containing those tags.

BYO Image Search will find images on Alamy that match an image you give it (uploaded or provide a link to). I found this one interesting because I gave it a picture of a cyclist that had very distinct lighting and it not only found photos of bikes, but it also found photos with the lighting that I had used on it, pretty cool!

So now you can search with words, music, and now photos, I can only imagine what's next, search by scent? It's really not all THAT crazy of an idea is it?


Mercedes x Brabus G-Wagon GV12 Bi-Turbo

Damn its time for a new car! If Darth Vader had a kick ass car in los angeles... it probably would be this one.... or maybe even this one... (darth vader stuntin?)

anyways this car pwns too hard...and its pretty much agreed that darth vader is such a pimp that he'd be rolling pretty hard like on some hollywood stuntin... what recession im rich.... get outta my way cuz u bout to get hit kinda pimpin......

i have a soft spot in my heart for kick ass SUVs and the G wagon is my ultimate ... so when one of my favorite aftermarket tuners (BRABUS) announced this car... i nearly fell out of my seat....

World Debut at the Geneva Motor Show 2009: The World’s Most Powerful Off-Roader – BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo with 700 hp (690 bhp) / 515 kW and 1,320 Nm (973 lb-ft)

BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo: The world’s most powerful off-roader comes from BRABUS ( It is built by hand based on the latest Mercedes G-Class. The exclusive five-door is powered by a BRABUS SV12 S displacement engine. Like all special models of BRABUS – recognized by the German Vehicle Registration Agency as a vehicle manufacturer – the BRABUS G V12 S Biturbo comes with a comprehensive luxury package. The ultra-powerful 4x4 starts at 379,000 Euros.


10 Design Rules of Dieter Rams: What the hell are some of yall thinkin!

(hmm... is IMITATION really the sincerest form of flattery???)

10 Design Rules of Dieter Rams from Braun in the 60's:

• Good design is innovative.
• Good design makes a product useful.
• Good design is aesthetic.
• Good design helps us to understand a product.
• Good design is unobtrusive.
• Good design is honest.
• Good design is durable.
• Good design is consequent to the last detail.
• Good design is concerned with the environment.
• Good design is as little design as possible.

now what kinda self proclaimed "pretentious-cool-guy trendy-hip-new-innovative-design-tech-pop-music-political-social-super-blog" would we be if we didnt pay some type of tribute or homage to one of the great industrial designers of this century ..DIETER RAMS.... and his basic rules of design that every "so-called/wannabe-photoshop-fashion-intrawebz-design-nut" out there should memorized scratch that.... they should have it tattooed on their foreheads! so that every it will always be on their mind!! and shall never forget!!!

now to truly join the elite ranks of those "blogs/websites" truly in the "kNOW" consider this blog entry as our official ... "We have arrived! Sorry we're late!"

more after the jump....

Ok i have a confession to make. I originally had this post geared toward a "design snob hater-ish" type point of view... But as i finished a few rough draft lines and constantly erased and re-written many sentences, phrases, lines, paragraphs etc..

i finally stopped and said to myself... this isnt the way i want this entry to go down...

and instead of just being the usual pretentious "I'm better than you and you suck" kinda blog entry... i want this post to be more of a tribute to great design and just a simple reminder to people that Dieter Rams had it right.... he broke it down very easily for anyone to understand...(KISS) and I believe that great design can come from anywhere and anyone....

I guess id go as far to say that i have a true design fetish... where my daily life is consumed with the obsession of deciphering and understanding what really makes a 'great design' a 'great design'. and only wish that one day the things i design have a spot in this great universe... and wether im at work or at home... i find myself looking at all the great ones who did it before me, sit back and think.. how the hell did they do that? and then look around me... and ask.... what the hell are some yall thinkin??!??

(enjoy some of dieter rams most awesomest things)


Mr. S - A - double - D - I - Q

(photo cred: Fredric Reshew for AOL)

If you missed out on catching Oakland's very own Mr. Raphael Saadiq the last time he was in the Bay Area, be sure to step ya game up tomorrow night and go see him at the Fillmore in San Francisco. I personally think Saadiq is one of the most underrated singers/songwriters/musicians/producers out there. Trust, he will not disappoint.

For a little taste of his current tour and a brief interview check out AOL Black Voices.


Damn... Finally? The New Simpsons Show Intro?

Wow... after 19 years? SRSLY? ok... im a cartoon nut.. every night i watch adult swim and the simpsons... its just how i roll.. and fall asleep actually.... Now im watching the new SIMPSONS episode (and if you lost count we are on season 20 episode 431 "How the Test was Won" currently on right now..

and its actually pretty good.
Now will i go as far as saying that the SIMPSONS are back? well.. ill just say that its alot better than i thought it would be... and i think that alone is pretty good for something that is 20 seasons and 400+ episodes in....

Im pretty sure for the rest of my life ill watch cartoons.... which may be good or bad.. who knows... haha..
its pretty trippy to see the simpsons in a whole new light, especially for a retro grouch like myself...

if it aint broke ... dont fix it....

but some may argue that the simpsons was "broke" and well deserving of some fixin". overall im very happy that they decided to go with new graphics, drawings, stories, and intro.... hell even as im writing this... the simpsons have announced some great fortune...

media outlets report that "The Simpsons," television's most famous animated dysfunctional family, is poised to become the United States' longest running prime-time show, US media said Friday.

After more than 450 episodes, the program's creators have been asked Fox, the studio behind the show, to do two more series of antics from Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Maggie, the Hollywood Reporter said.

That would make the series the longest running prime-time program, ahead of the western "Gunsmoke" which ran between 1955 and 1975, it said.

The yellow-tinged cartoon family debuted in 1990 and has long since surpassed "The Flintstones" as the longest running animated series.

Although many other programs have been running for longer, they are largely news and current affairs programs, or shows that air outside prime-time.

Fox said actors responsible for the characters' instantly recognizable voices have agreed to stay on for two more years.
The next series is to begin in September, with at least one more to follow in 2010.

In 2007 a feature film documented the family's exploits to great box office success.
