Now in case you were wondering, as I was, "How on earth did they come up with a such complex, interesting, and fun dance routine?" Bow Wow released a video on youtube with a little teaser of the song asking for people to submit a dance for the new "joint" of the summer and they would pick the best, as you can see in the following video.
2 months and a very thorough selection process (I am sure) and they came up with.....Peek-A-Boo. I could go through the whole video and pick out the ridiculousness of this video but I think the result would be on the scale of a masters thesis in Neuroscience so I will keep it brief. Not that the Superman dance was that much better but Bow Wow promised that the person who created that dance would be in the video and I am pretty sure that explains why there's the random shot of the baby girl running over to grab the beach ball back, that right there is the creator's 15 seconds of fame.
Bow Wow dropped "lil" a while back to try to appear older, probably to reinvent himself in the game, make it so he could rap about "adult" things....and to date Ciara. I am sorry Bow Wow, but you have now officially regained the lil. Sorry Lil Bow Wow, but throwing yourself on a track with Soulja Boy and playing Peek-A-Boo doesnt gain you street cred (last time I checked) and it definately doesn't make you appear any older. Yes, you will probably make bank off this, and yes, you probably bought a nicer car than I will ever own before you were old enough to drive but man, what a career choice.
Now I can't hate on Soulja Boy really, I mean the guy is worth more than I will probably ever make and the kid just got out of his diapers I think. He went from nothing to something with just a computer, youtube, and a dance that had everyone from girls in the club, to ballet dancing kids, to middle aged math teachers doing it. If that's not the American Dream (sans a lot of work), I don't know what is. I will however hate on you (no, not YOUUUUU!!!'s just you), the fan. I can't hate on the person who listens to the song and laughs, I mean, it's pretty much is like a clown for adults, just a lot less scary to most people. I hate on the people who call up the radio and request it, the people waiting for it in the club, and the people who pay for his music. I will not get into an argument about what is good music and bad music, but as anyone can tell, the music airwaves are already pretty slim on diversity, and to have it saturdated with songs of this calliber is just dissapointing to me.
So I won't hate on Soulja boy but man, Ice-T will do it! (Peep this, this, and this)
you fail. it's bow wow's song and its a heater!
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